The dam's primary purpose is to generate hydroelectricity, but it also provides water for irrigation agriculture.
The canal is used to generate hydroelectricity, as are the four dams.
The dam is used to generate hydroelectricity and provide flood control.
The primary purpose of the dam is flood control but it also generates hydroelectricity and provides water for irrigation.
Gilman was an early promoter of using the falls to generate hydroelectricity.
It serves to store water for irrigation and generate hydroelectricity.
The lake was created in 1932, mainly to generate hydroelectricity, but now it also serves as a recreational getaway.
The dam's other major purpose is to generate hydroelectricity.
It was built to generate hydroelectricity, prevent flood damage, provide irrigation, and improve water quality downstream.
There have been unsuccessful attempts to use the waterfall to generate hydroelectricity.