This has generated frequent conflicts between the two, often in the form of internet flame wars.
Movement of the ions generates energy in the form of heat.
Other buildings include an intelligence facility, which will generate and display information in the form of graphs.
Assets accumulated can generate income in the form of interest and dividends that in turn may be saved.
However, the newspaper realized that a larger, more in-depth review would generate greater revenue in the form of advertising.
Tourism has generated its own problems, in the form of threats to the rainforest and beach erosion caused by resort projects.
He also generated kickbacks in the form of cash, jewelry, furniture and clothing for himself, the report said.
Student participation during the occasion is generated in the form of academic, athletic, and cultural competitions.
This generates internal inefficiencies within the broader socioeconomic system, most notably in the form of class conflict.
The division generates revenues primarily in the form of interest rate spreads or fees.