It "generated a storm of criticism in the years following its release".
That was twice the number of loans it generated in the two preceding years combined.
Reality television has generated some of the biggest, most talked-about hits for broadcast networks in the last five years.
According to the Coca-Cola application, the company hopes to generate profits of more than $120 million in the first five years.
The show has generated very high ratings in the past several years and is now the number one morning show in the area.
All told, asset sales have generated gross proceeds of $244 million in the last two years.
The Government estimates the section will generate an extra $60 million in tax revenues in the next five years.
"Expanded public transportation is vital to support continued economic growth and the trips that growth will generate in the next five years."
It generated a lot of media coverage in the three years.
Initially, operating out of Wickson's house, the charity generated approximately $25,000 in the first few years.