The promotion has already generated orders for 600,000 items of merchandise, she said, as well as more than 300,000 entries in an Adventure Team contest.
And Japan, which has been limping along economically for years, had not been expected to generate significant new orders anyway.
Airbus is struggling to generate enough orders to justify production of its 550-seat A3XX.
The cataloguers, of course, expect to increase the size of their mailing lists as well as generate orders.
They were received to rave reviews, and quickly generated orders from operators across North America.
It generates fully tradeable orders and provides multiple competing market makers.
I supposed it was generating conflicting orders.
He also noted that inventories of automobiles remain lean enough that a gain in sales could quickly generate new orders.
The album has generated orders from across the globe, including 600 from Japan.
That information, in turn, generates orders to the warehouse to replenish each store.