Sometimes used to generate speed and sometimes to shoot spray.
His design relied upon a ramp rather than engine power to generate sufficient speed for lift.
Once steadied, he began to generate momentum and speed.
Own ship does maneuvers to generate speed first on one side of the line-of-sight, then on the other.
At the same time, a taller vaulter might find it difficult to generate enough speed in a 14- to 20-step approach.
"Where some athletes just barely survive, Zurbriggen will go into a difficult turn and generate speed."
The slinging action generates extra speed, but sacrifices control.
The problem is that you can't generate much speed without making the tunnels too wide to be practical.
The competitors end the run on an uphill straightaway, so it is critical that they generate as much speed coming out of the final turn.
Most of the strikes are pushed out by the upper body and generally don't generate much obvious speed due to the short distances traveled.