Generates structures for partial models.
Concerted regulation of tropisms in all hyphal tips is sufficient to generate most fungal structures.
Although soil is not very strong, it is cheap enough that huge quantities can be used, generating formidable structures.
While hewing loosely to traditional forms, he found ways to generate structures through the use of cyclic themes, not unlike Wagner's leitmotif technique.
With the ferocious and pitiless conquest, takes place a combination of rape by force and home invasion generating new structures.
Such crosslinks are important in generating mechanically stable structures such as hair, skin and cartilage.
"It is essential for higher education to generate institutional structures and academic proposals that guarantee the right to it."
With this technique, scientists have generated structures that resemble snowflakes or that mimic fluid flow.
The base generates deep structures.
AIC can be used to generate crystalline silicon nanowires and other nano-scale structures.