The significant surplus generated by such a plan would pay off the debt in 30 years.
Under the structure being replaced, most of the surplus generated by a hospital was put back into the city's general treasury.
He not only balanced the budget but generated huge surpluses.
First, let's take some of the surplus generated in these prosperous times and put it away for a rainy day.
Right now, payroll taxes are high enough to generate large surpluses.
This general observation applies to the surplus generated in the military sector as well.
That, in turn, produces higher revenues and lower Federal spending, which together generate larger surpluses.
The two parties have agreed not to use the part of the surplus generated by Social Security for tax cuts or new spending.
The surpluses generated by the payroll tax are lent to the Treasury.
The idea was to generate annual surpluses large enough to pay for a bulge in retirement benefits expected around 2020.