How a government zones a city can also generate violence.
Prosecutors and investigators say that breakdowns in discipline in most of the families have generated internal violence.
I think they knew that the community was very much against them coming to the city, which... potentially would generate violence".
The hypothesis that the prohibition of drugs generates violence is consistent with research done over long time-series and cross-country facts.
"Violence will always generate violence," he warns.
It generated considerable violence at elections to suppress the black vote, and Democrats regained control of the state legislature in 1870.
Maazuza Abu Akar, 60, said resentment over the invasion could only generate further violence.
The most vivid and recent example of how violence generates even greater violence was the attack on the UN offices in Baghdad.
We know that a violent State regime generates violence and resistance.
Lalon was against religious conflict and many of his songs mock identity politics that divide communities and generate violence.