While seated, move your arms and legs often to maintain circulation and generate warmth.
Squinting into the oval of light, Maria stomped her feet to generate warmth.
The tiles generate warmth after sundown with the help of the hot-water system.
He ran on, generating new warmth to replace what the wind tore from him.
If it is too cold, they cluster together to generate warmth.
I hugged myself, trying to generate warmth, but trembled worse than ever.
They stopped talking for a while, putting more of their energy into swimming, upping the pace a little to generate warmth.
The meeting generated much-needed warmth for a man whose isolation has been thorough and emotionally difficult.
Perhaps because the setting is so impersonal, the hotel's staff works doubly hard to generate warmth.
Plastic tablecloths, paper place mats and napkins do nothing to generate warmth.