The growth comes as a generation of children of Muslim immigrants reach college age and is fueled by an increase in international students.
The generations marched by, reached the time of Jesus.
Like Houston's program, other home-school programs started modestly in the early 1990's when the first generation of students reached junior high age.
We will only be able to begin studying those consequences over coming years as that generation reaches middle age.
It takes many generations to reach its full potential, but once well begun, it feeds on itself.
When this generation reaches sexual maturity there are fewer offspring, continuing the pattern.
Now, all of the magazines seem to be playing toward youth - just as the baby-boom generation is reaching middle age.
Fourth generation began in 2008 and reached in 2010.
Only about half the baby-boom generation has reached the prime stock-owning years.
The biggest surge in American homicides occurred after 1965, just as the first generation of children to grow up with television reached adolescence.