This was supposed to be the year of "generational politics," the election in which the postwar baby-boom generation found its voice.
The movement had roots in the civil rights struggles that had preceded it, adding to it the cultural and generational politics of the era.
But interest in generational politics is not confined to Democrats.
But if generational politics is a popular concept, it is also a slippery one.
Third, it tells us that Mr. Bush judges "generational politics" to be big this year.
All of these attitudes came to bear in the 1995 budget battle, which showed just how subtle and dangerous generational politics can be.
Nonetheless, it is clear that generational politics will continue to threaten that system.
This film focuses on the complex portrait of family relationships, generational and sexual politics as well as social mores in India.
This version of "generational politics" was rejected by the electorate as a whole - and especially by young people.
Mr. Bush quickly learned, however, that the big problem with playing generational politics is the generation at the heart of it.