And Haines threw another jolt into Williams as the generators hummed.
Somewhere a generator hummed, and a few electric light bulbs glowed at the ends of corridors, but the hospital seemed deserted.
With the ship in flight, the generators were humming nicely.
The generator hummed, making its nano-meds to carry the dust out of the air, so it wouldn't kill her husband.
The summer sun was hot the day the generator hummed into life.
Scott snapped a switch and the generator hummed itself decorously up to operating level.
Tobin initiated the charge cycle and the generators hummed to life.
Somewhere in the background hummed the generators which supplied the necessary energy for the climatiser.
An electric generator hummed in the background, adding to the general obscene noises of the jungle close at hand.
The electric generator that powered the wheel motors hummed to a lower pitch.