After the spectacular production problems of the Ornette Coleman concert last week - ending in generator noises, searing lights on the crowd and an aborted show for a pneumatic ticket price - the Bell Atlantic Jazz Festival appeased its audience on Sunday night.
No generator noises, but he smelled wood smoke and something cooking on the fire.
That's for emergencies and to keep the generator noise down at night.
There was no generator noise, so I guessed the power supply must be part of the missile platform.
Because the noise level that comes out of an average industrial generator is 90 to 100 decibels (the noise of a chain saw is about 100 decibels), the active mufflers are able to cut generator noise by up to 15 percent.
He came to the ladder, and had started back up when he realized there was something else in the room besides generator noise.
"Nine carriers are going to make some generator noise," Clancy said, sliding onto his couch just as Semirame got to hers.
The air-conditioning is so strong that one night I asked to be seated in the garden, only to come back into the cold a moment later: outside, the generator noise was like a hammer in my head.
The generator noise increased as I reached the large opening.
I didn't need light for unrolling the det cord because I knew what I was doing, but the generator noise would drown out any human movement coming into the building, so I had to keep my eyes on the entrance while I was working.