However, a greater understanding of general relativity led to the realization that such singularities were a generic feature of the theory and not just an exotic special case.
Unlike earlier versions, which worked with only a limited selection of popular laptops, Battery Watch Pro has a "generic" feature that works with any battery-powered computer.
For reusing processes a meta-process model identifies "the common, generic features of process models and represents them in a system of concepts.
The kinship between absorption and emission was also consistent with some generic or abstract features of resonators.
It has certain generic features that serve as hallmarks for comparison with normal ECGs.
Same kind of generic English features.
Same kind of height, same kind of weight, same kind of generic English features.
Soliton operation is almost a generic feature of the fiber lasers mode-locked by this technique and has been intensively investigated.
It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the existence of space-like singularities is likely to be a generic feature of colliding plane wave solutions.
The field's generic features include a press box and concession stands, and recent renovations have added more to the facility.