His father venerated the god Apollo devotedly and honored him with generous offerings.
A more generous offering in its way, but awareness of that did nothing to touch the core of bitterness Jehane felt to this day, four years after.
Lots of teeth, lipstick, and eye shadow, a generous offering of cleavage.
Having identified the Lady, he sent a friend to her to negotiate the delivery, deriving from it a generous offering for his church and a reward for the peasant.
A generous offering of bruschetta made an instant appearance, as did bread and butter.
A. A reservation is neither an absolute right nor a generous offering.
It aimed at the middle class, as it combined generous offerings and livability but at the same time in an accessible to buy and own package.
But for the most part, the richs are greedy cheapskates that would sell their mother to the most generous offering.
This generous offering might be the only way to give the declarer problems, and was on the diagramed deal.
I was being generous offering you a split.