Although the accounts would pay generous returns, a study showed that the cost to the city would be modest.
The rent laws offer protection from unwarranted rent increases and arbitrary evictions while still providing landlords with a generous return on investment.
Considering the fast and generous returns, it would be hard to find much wrong with the deal from the standpoint of the investors.
Some poor families even took out loans to install solar panels to take advantage of the generous returns promised by the government.
The financial trouble was caused by an influx of new residents from the Erie Canal area experiencing financial hardship, as well as the overly generous return on investment to residents.
They say it closed down a company that was paying them a generous return on their money, forcing thousands of people to bounce checks and scramble to pay their mortgages.
And it promises junior creditors a generous return only if the market places a high value on Macy stock in two years.
That it didn't cost England more dearly was due to the fact that the Scots simply hadn't planned for such a generous return and were consequently playing the wrong strategy.
One assumes that the contributors get a generous return on their investments.
It was necessary to recuperate, and the anxiety for a profitable play, or some other adventure that would bring a quick and generous return, grew out of this need.