In its initial stages it was generously funded by the Australia Council.
The nunnery, well managed and generously funded, is much wealthier than the priory.
The post was generously funded by a supporter and benefactor, who shared the vision of the Centre.
Nobody is fooled - except the voter who was naive enough to think his cause, like the drug war, was generously funded.
Is any UK museum more generously funded?
Ideally, Head Start would be all day, all year and so generously funded it could include all the children eligible.
Minority achievement in the last 20 years can be attributed to economic growth, a favorable political consensus, minority self-help and generously funded, well-administered Government programs.
The Persians generously funded Sparta's ambitions, making possible the formation of an army 20,000 strong.
The total cost of the project is put at £450 million which alone makes fusion by far the most generously funded of all renewable energy sources.
Bob Torricelli has been generously funded by the aerospace industry in his campaigns.