After quelling the commoner revolt, Carlos I generously granted Madrid the titles of Coronada and Imperial, impelling the transformation of the old Arab fortress.
Nana Kweku generously granted Abu nine acres of land, near public electricity, where Abu is now constructing the Moringa Community Center, where a fully fledged trade school will be started that will benefit the entire community.
In 1183 A.D they generously granted several villages to Parmal, the Chandel Raja of Mahoba, after his defeat by Prithviraj Chauhan.
Although desperately wounded in the struggle which had resulted in his triumph, he generously granted to the count his freedom without ransom.
"You fascist aggressors were the ones who brutally violated the nonaggression pact the great Stalin generously granted to Hitler," Lidov snapped.
The priests of the Fellowship of Order have nothing to offer you but misery, so they proclaim suffering a virtue and in exchange generously grant you extravagant, eternal rewards in some other world.
The Church generously granted me three whole days of mourning.
You are already aware that the Sports Council very generously grant aided us for 1985 and when you receive your Annual Report you will see that we have a surplus of approximately £7.500.
The Union must continue to be determined to supplement the emergency humanitarian aid which it generously granted to Pakistan during an initial phase with trade measures aimed at bringing about the Pakistani economy's sustainable recovery.
Thus, the first paragraph of the recommendation generously grants us the right to maintain the agreements relating to the CFA franc, despite the fact that this is our right anyway.