The event is generously sponsored by Lloyds Bank plc.
Generously sponsored by AT&T and supported by France Telecom, it brought together the key voices in the international Internet stakeholder community.
These awards are generously sponsored by Torys LLP.
This year's edition, once again generously sponsored by British Coal, is no exception.
Local businessman, Pat McDonagh, has generously sponsored the building of a new state-of-the-art school has been built to replace the old school.
Some playwrights who have experienced mixed critical fortunes in New York have been generously sponsored by Humana for a number of years.
"This type of event," said the school's new dean, Ezra Laderman, "where a major corporation has generously sponsored a concert, allowing all proceeds to benefit the school, is unprecedented in our history."
The club is generously sponsored by Equinix.
This show was most generously sponsored for the fourth year running by Next, who take a keen interest in the RCA.
KCBC is generously sponsored by Neptune Investment Management, who provide new boats and equipment on a regular basis.