Recent studies have suggested evidence indicating that the Mon and Bamar share a common genetic ancestry.
All because you came from Earth directly instead of through genetic ancestry.
In the 1920s, many scientists reacted to eugenicist claims linking abilities and moral character to racial or genetic ancestry.
Thus, caution should be used when using geographic or genetic ancestry to make inferences about individual phenotypes.
For out of his Iceman work grew research that has helped untangle, at least in part, the knot of our genetic ancestry.
There is evidence that an accounting by genetic ancestry would produce a higher number, but people live according to social and cultural identities, not DNA.
Data was used to infer genetic ancestry in Brazilians with an admixture model.
They are also an important location for Basques proud of their distinct genetic ancestry (many share an unusual blood group).
A positive aspect of your genetic ancestry is your ability to utilize the best that nature has to offer.
Again, there were huge difference in the genetic ancestry from across the various regions of the country.