These results suggest that a sparse, minimally connected, genetic architecture may be a fundamental design constraint shaping the evolution of gene network complexity.
Evidence is emerging that the genetic architecture of schizophrenia involved both common and rare risk variation.
The genetic architecture of common diseases is an important factor in determining the extent to which patterns of genetic variation influence group differences in health outcomes.
Today, evolutionary biologists try to determine the genetic architecture of interesting evolutionary phenomena such as adaptation and speciation.
However, recently, not just the domesticated rice strain, but also the wild strains have been studied for their underlying genetic architectures.
Such stabilizing selection would be expected to lead to a genetic architecture characterized by ambidirectional dominance.
Definitive genetic architecture, risk distribution, and their correlation with prognosis is crucial to determining response to new drug treatments.
Recent studies employing genomic approaches have further elucidated understanding of the circadian oscillator mechanism by providing a large-scale view into an organism's network and genetic architecture.
His more recent work is on the measurement of gene interaction, the evolution of evolvability and how it relates to the evolution of genetic architecture.
The genetic architecture of disease resistance in maize: a synthesis of published studies.