Fearful of genetic contamination, the authorities on Earth severed all ties with its colonies.
GMO crops can, however, result in genetic contamination of native plant species through hybridization.
I merely wish to point out that my father was exiled not for genetic contamination but for service to Heldon.
Indeed, the countryside was rapidly becoming a putrid sinkhole of residual radiation and genetic contamination.
Out of the tragedy of genetic contamination, we can create the final triumph of human racial purity.
Back in my day, people were incredibly anxious and fussy about genetic contamination.
Such cell-free cultures, they said, minimize the risk of genetic contamination from other sources.
A I band sizes are frequently a strain characteristic and inter-strain differences can be used, for example, to monitor for genetic contamination (16).
Accordingly, genetic contamination of Philippine Warty Pig stock is a real and irreversible problem.
Finally, Mr President, the prevention of genetic contamination.