It did not matter whether they were real persons, genetic copies, or mere apparitions.
The South Korean scientists created embryos that were genetic copies of women who donated cells.
In reproductive cloning, the manipulated egg would grow to be a baby that is a genetic copy of the donor.
Any offspring will be a genetic copy, or clone, of the adult animal from which the cell was taken.
Clones are genetic copies of the original, though they might not be the same in all details because the environment influences how genes act.
It's another thing to say we can recreate ourselves, a genetic copy of ourselves.
And you don't need your kids to be genetic copies; they might be unlike you anyway.
An electric current then stimulates the egg to begin growing, and the result is a genetic copy, or clone, of that pig.
With this technique, genetic copies of a desirable tree can be made in large quantities.
Importantly: This is not reproductive cloning because you are not making a genetic copy of a person.