Their removal from the large and confusing Leptodactylidae family is based on genetic distinction.
An animal's ability to identify subtle genetic distinctions based on unique scents is facilitated by the olfactory system in the brain.
The clear genetic distinction between breeds of dog has made dogs of specific breeds good subjects for genetic and human medical research.
Critics say that what these companies are doing sanctifies the genetic distinctions among racial groups, as if the question of whether race has a biological basis has been settled.
That, she said, was possible because the plasmid technique acted as a kind of microscope to reveal finer genetic distinctions among the 89 known varieties of anthrax.
Conversely, N1a was not identified in any of the hunter-gatherer fossils, indicating a genetic distinction between early European farmers and late European hunter-gatherers.
Though once called a "Sandy" bay in older texts on horse color, the genetic distinction created by the cream gene is significant.
The problem is that once you have isolated one genetic distinction in a racial population, even an advantageous one, the field is open to find other racial attributes, including disadvantageous ones.
Foxes from each island are capable of interbreeding, but have genetic and phenotypic distinctions that make them unique; for example, the subspecies have differing numbers of tail vertebrae.
The genetic distinction of the Italian wolf subspecies was recently supported by analysis which consistently assigned all the wolf genotypes of a sample in Italy to a single group.