This is an example of how modern migrations have begun to reduce the genetic divergence of the human race.
The species is widespread but populations tend to be isolated and show high degree of genetic divergence.
It may be placed as the closest living relative of the foraminiferans, but rapid genetic divergence between several groups makes this difficult to confirm.
The study also found a great deal of genetic divergence between the species, suggesting that these species are themselves very old.
Based on genetic divergence, it has been estimated that the splits within the Colocolo group occurred approximately 1.7 million years ago.
The level of genetic divergence shows that they were isolated early and that gene flow has not occurred.
This low level of dispersal has led to genetic divergence across its range.
Sometimes there is genetic divergence on isolated colonies.
The researchers say their work suggests that such frequency shifts may lead to genetic divergence.
The pattern of genetic divergence can be used to trace the relatedness of organisms.