Do they pass on some genetic message to their offspring?
The distinction reflects the more fundamental one between a mortal body and a potentially immortal genetic message.
Heritable changes - called 'mutations'- occur if the genetic message is changed.
Thus we understand rather well how the genetic message, the sequence of bases in DNA, is translated into a series of proteins.
The "error" in the genetic message will be replicated with a high degree of fidelity.
Yet what that genetic message says is an open scientific question.
The body, after all, was transparent to cosmic bombardments which altered the genetic messages in human cells.
Sir, O'Neill identified the genetic message in humans that directs that the fetus will become a female.
Simple genetic messages could be chemically synthesized, and genetic surgery.
The host would then have received a new set of instructions, or genetic messages, whose commands, being now part of its physical self, had to be followed.