The Bay color is expressed when the common genetic modifier, the Agouti gene works on the Black.
Sooty is a genetic modifier that causes dark hairs to be dispersed within the coat, darkening the whole coat.
"Flaxen" used only to describe the lightened mane and tail of a chestnut, has been proposed as a genetic modifier, particularly when it appears to be a trait of certain breeds.
The inheritance of FED is autosomal dominant with genetic and environmental modifiers such as increased prevalence in the elderly and in females.
The actual horse may carry additional genetic modifiers that could make it bay, buckskin, gray, bay roan, perlino, silver bay, and so on.
Identification of the genetic modifiers that alter these phenotypes may provide an important route to understanding the cellular and genetic interactions underlying various developmental processes involving BMP4.
In addition, there is increasing evidence that genetic modifiers besides CFTR modulate the frequency and severity of the disease.
In "Black Friday", Optimus is blackmailled by Blackarachnia into helping Grimlock steal Meltdown's genetic modifier so he could use it to remove her organic half.
Subsequent researchers have reasoned that such carriers who reproduce might be expected to carry favorable genetic modifiers that allowed them to reproduce successfully in spite of their disease.
Integrating cereal chemistry and plant breeding techniques, Drs. Vasal and Villegas collaborated to combine the existing opaque-2 maize with genetic modifiers.