Dr. Knowlton's team defined the three new species based on their genetic, biochemical and behavioral properties.
It is related to, but distinct from, Saccharomyces cerevisiae in several taxonomic, metabolic, and genetic properties.
Phytoplasma species, characterised by distinctive biological, phytopathological and genetic properties.
Another applied research line is investigating the genetic properties of sorghum.
For ten years, he was a Mycologist there, and he studied the genetic and biochemical properties of fungi.
Laboratory techniques have been developed that use an electric field to identify genetic properties visually if a large enough quantity of it can be produced.
The genetic properties of newly diagnosed tumors, whether found through the screening of healthy people or after symptoms occur, also promise to be instructive.
It also reveals that Puccini's genetic properties of style were with him from the first.
Alex was a Singeur, with genetic properties of both human and monkey.
Mr. Kremer, 40 years old, was born in Riga, Latvia, to a family that counts violin playing as almost a genetic property.