While altruistic behaviors are most common between individuals with high genetic relatedness, it is not completely necessary.
In other words, the genetic relatedness of the partner is likely to be important.
Behind that willingness to sacrifice self for the whole is an unusually high degree of genetic relatedness.
All of these designs are unified by being based around human relationships which disentangle genetic and environmental relatedness.
In reciprocal altruism individuals are not required to have any particular genetic relatedness with one another.
When female red squirrels chose a mate, genetic relatedness did not play a factor.
The isolates have been divided into six groups based on their genetic relatedness:
Family studies indicate that the closer a person's genetic relatedness to a person with schizophrenia, the greater the likelihood of developing the disorder.
This should not come as a surprise given the genetic relatedness between them and us (more than 98 percent, as you report).
The mating strategy may work to increase genetic relatedness, which can facilitate communication and altruism.