The resulting child is genetically related to its parents while the surrogate mother has no genetic relation.
With this method, the child born is genetically related to the intended father and the surrogate mother has no genetic relation.
These superficial similarities in the linguistic typologies do not seem to come accompanied of a genetic relation at a population level.
He explained that "only from specific identities can genetic relations be inferred."
The genetic relations in F. rufa group colonies can be complex.
A connection with the Iberian language gave some hope, but it is unclear whether similarities are due to genetic relations or mere vicinity.
The next chapter begins by complicating the question of the genetic relation of the human and the technical.
But now it is possible for a woman to give birth to a child who has no genetic relation to its mother.
A descriptive study of the Lachi language: syntactic description, historical reconstruction and genetic relation.
This matches studies of the genetic relations between whales and other animals.