They will not only grow a genetic replica, but they will infuse him with the same life-altering experiences that shaped the original man.
As it happens, he is a genetic replica, although younger and with some crucial character differences.
The creation of human clones, babies that are genetic replicas of adults, is unsafe and should be outlawed, a panel of scientific experts said today.
Human cloning involves using a person's cells to create embryos that are, in effect, genetic replicas of that person.
These genetic replicas could be maintained indefinitely and crossed afresh each year to produce new F1 hybrid seed.
Cloning describes the processes used to create an exact genetic replica of another cell, tissue or organism.
Agreement among lawmakers is widespread that reproductive cloning - making babies that are genetic replicas of adults - should be outlawed.
Cloning involves creating embryos that are, in effect, genetic replicas of adults.
The baby, carried by the woman, would be a genetic replica of her husband.
The mothers gave birth to eight calves that were genetic replicas of the dead cow.