"He was more comfortable with adoption than having just one of us give up a genetic tie to a baby."
Well, the eyes probably aren't, but I'm telling you those people have genetic ties to Blood and Kauld.
DNA analysis provides apparent genetic ties to Siberia or Asia.
Azaris of Iran also show very close genetic ties to Kurds.
Languages that possess genetic ties with one another belong to the same linguistic grouping, known as a language family.
He also missed having a company where everyone knew everyone and there was a feeling of family whether people had genetic ties or not.
The Mayan language family has no demonstrated genetic ties to other language families.
A slight majority opted for the gestational relationship, caring more about carrying the pregnancy, giving birth and nursing than about the genetic tie.
And among the Sauvage family, genetic ties were given precedence over those of marriage.
Inundated Until this study, though, there has been no known genetic tie linking the Cohanim.