One reason for Hobart's success in both the private and public sectors was his genial personality.
The Age called him a good platform speaker and referred to his genial personality.
Even at a distance one caught the genial personality of the new arrival.
His lively intellect, passion for excellence in every aspect of book publishing and genial personality will be greatly missed by all of us.
Mr. Katz, 49, has played up his experience in business, where he has been a sports world deal-maker, and stresses his genial personality.
Murao worked without pay for the first few weeks, but eventually became the manager of the bookstore, and his genial personality set the tone for the bookstore.
Initially, Gaston was an irritating simpleton, but he developed a genial personality and sense of humour.
His genial personality and charming stories made him one of the most popular SF writers of the last three decades.
According to his biographer, Rachman was an intelligent man with a genial personality.
In a world characterized by political infighting, it is difficult to find a detractor, largely because of Mr. Dapolito's genial personality.