Pop is Ms. Pinhao's husband, Murray Wasserman, the genial presence at the cash register.
Shirreffs has been a genial presence ever since arriving here Wednesday with his wife, Herrarte and the Mosses.
Like Abdullah, he considers himself more of a businessman than royalty and has been a genial presence at racetracks on the West Coast.
Somehow, it seems as if his genial presence still enriches the expansive, Victorian premises.
His self-portrait is of a hard-working actor who learns his lines easily and is a genial presence backstage or on the set.
His genial presence was marked by his signature wardrobe, for which the word "dapper" is hardly dapper enough.
He was generous to the arts and education in New York and his genial presence will be missed at Lincoln Center.
But other than his genial presence and the chance to advertise a new release, the concert seemed to lack a reason for being.
Although she enjoyed their genial and entertaining presence, the Spanish knights cost a great deal more than she had anticipated.
The prince, who declined to be interviewed for this article, arrived at Pimlico on Wednesday and was a genial presence at the post-position draw.