Neil said quietly, "There's a difference between being a genius inventor and a frightened father, George."
The film is about a genius inventor who makes a small gadget which could fly without fuel using the concept of antigravity.
Bharathan is a genius inventor and has a rather inquisitive mind especially as far as scientific matters are concerned.
He is a genius inventor and a high-tech arms dealer with ties to the Maggia.
He is a genius inventor and tinkerer.
He is a genius inventor, although his eccentric creations usually backfire on him.
It was popularly believed that the mystery airships were the product of some genius inventor not ready to make knowledge of his creation public.
Shaggy's rich uncle who is a genius inventor.
Butler for Mackenzie and also a genius inventor.
So forget those stories about genius inventors who perceived a need of society, solved it single-handedly and transformed the world.