The persecution of Shias throughout history by Sunni co-coreligionists has often been characterized by brutal and genocidal acts.
The persecution of the Shia throughout history by Sunni co-religionists has often been characterized by brutal and genocidal acts.
Such an assertion opens the way for an international "punishment" of the state to which genocidal acts are attributed.
Fearing a communal reprisal and genocidal acts against untouchables, Ambedkar was coerced into agreeing with Gandhi.
But the bill was revised to limit the right to sue to the victims of genocidal acts during World War II.
The lesson should not be lost in the former Yugoslavia, where political and military leaders indicted by a United Nations tribunal for genocidal acts still walk free.
Although an ad hoc tribunal on Cambodia would assist the cause of international justice within that country, it does little to prevent future genocidal acts.
On the other hand, many of the most vicious, genocidal acts are committed by people who are emotionally numb, not passionately out of control.
What are Saddam Hussein's genocidal acts?
It becomes clear that the aliens who committed the genocidal acts on Antioch are on board the alien vessel.