The genocidal attacks were led by the Hutu militias and troops loyal to the former, Hutu-led Rwandan Government.
And it needs to guarantee that its Kurdish citizens will no longer be subjected to genocidal attacks.
She is known for her film Amu which explores the suppressed history of the genocidal attacks on Sikhs in Delhi in 1984.
The officials said that their analysis does not lessen Iraq's overall responsibility for what some have called genocidal attacks on the Kurds.
If things go the way they're going at the moment, you're going to be parties to a genocidal attack.
United Nations officials fear that genocidal attacks could erupt on a large scale.
Those genocidal attacks, which included the use of deadly poison gas against thousands of unarmed women and children, stand as a crime against humanity.
Commander," Corsi said as she leaned forward in her seat, "they've just been subjected to a genocidal attack.
There may also be circumstances when a robust U.N. military force can help protect civilian populations against genocidal attacks.
Mr. Harun is accused of inciting, financing and arming militia fighters to conduct genocidal attacks.