Furthermore, the final boundary award confirming Amritsar to be within the borders of India was also the signal for massive genocidal conflict.
We think Mr. Gore is on the right track in trying to define a foreign policy that deals with the increasing prevalence of genocidal conflict.
She spelled out in powerful terms how the genocidal conflict in the former Yugoslavia menaces a civilized world.
She does not argue for empowering them, for liberating them from the narrow interests of the powerful or for altering their terms of engagement in genocidal conflicts.
What do you think the survivors of this genocidal conflict would be like?
However morally unsettling, the pullout fairly reflects the unwillingness of most U.N. members to recruit a force big enough to stop a genocidal conflict.
Or does it mean that America should intervene in genocidal conflicts that would undermine the stability of an important region or ally and ignore more isolated bloodlettings?
For example, if Indian Hindus and Muslims should engage in countrywide genocidal conflict, intervention might be defended on moral grounds, but scarcely on grounds of proportionality.
Historically, dehumanization is frequently connected to genocidal conflicts in that ideologies before and during the conflict link victims to rodents/vermin.
The Mutzig brewery in Kigali, Rwanda, was the first industry rebuilt after the genocidal conflict there.