Most of the former Hutu officials who were not murdered have been accused of genocidal crimes in Rwandan and international courts.
What moral sensibility is offended by the supreme punishment of a Hitler or a General Mladic - men whose genocidal crimes have been well exposed?
Still, there's no indication that the Dominion committed any kind of genocidal crimes on Coroticus.
In addition, the group promotes the study of "European genocidal crimes against Nican Tlaca".
We are firmly resolved to do whatever is needed to provide an open trial of those responsible for genocidal crimes in the country in the past.
Categorization of persons prosecuted for having committed genocide or having played a role in different genocidal crimes.
Throughout the books it is hinted that he's committed some terrible, possibly genocidal crime, but which is never revealed and he's not entirely comfortable with.
As Arafat began reciting Israel's genocidal crimes, Clinton nodded in approval.
If it was a genocidal crime in 1942 to use ethnic criteria to round up people, herd them into camps and deport them, it is no less a crime today.