Once sophisticated computational pipelines can cope with the full range of complex genomic features, we will benefit from better resources for biological investigation.
As a result, the theory regards these genomic features as neither subject to, nor explicable by, natural selection.
Density of genomic features The resulting corrected ideograms and six major genomic features are plotted across the genome in Figure 1.
Comparison of cytogenetic bands We next examined the overall correspondence between cytobands and exonic density and other genomic features.
Thermophiles can be discriminated from mesophiles from genomic features.
The results for the cytobands are also reflected in pairwise correlations of the genomic features across 1 Mb intervals.
With this new platform technology it is possible to study the genomic variations within an individual for those genomic features that are most variable, microsatellites.
These genomic features are responsible for widespread proliferation, tumorigenesis, and deregulation of pathways associated with normal housekeeping.
Functions, interactions and expression levels The power law is not only found in the occurrence of words, families, and folds, but also extends to further genomic features of biological macromolecules.
The core of comparative genome analysis is the establishment of the correspondence between genes (orthology analysis) or other genomic features in different organisms.