It has been shown that genomic regions with multiple indels can also be used for species-identification procedures.
Loss of genomic regions by deletion can occur at chromosomes 1p and 11q.
On average, 160 gene-expression values were located to each genomic region.
These methods work by applying the observation that certain haplotypes are common in certain genomic regions.
It is evident from Figure 2 that these studies are inconsistent, and no genomic region was implicated in more than four of the 27 samples.
In practice, multiple optical maps are created from molecules of the same genomic region, and an algorithm is used to determine the best consensus map.
These findings may facilitate prioritization of genomic regions for further study.
The following material appears in chronological order rather than by specific genomic region.
These goals could be greatly simplified by a cloning strategy that would allow selective isolation of any genomic region.
The genomic region covers a distance of 5.5 kbp.