Clare Peploe's film "Rough Magic" will be remembered, if for nothing else, as the year's nerviest exercise in cinematic genre bending.
Sonia Dada, an eclectic, exciting genre bending rock & roll group, was born in the spring of 1990.
Cool Blue Flame (2008): The current Denim album Cool Blue Flame pushes the boundaries further than ever before with creative genre bending compositions and an artistic flashback.
In 2003, Lethem responded to the issue of "genre bending":
Schwartz describes his work as "genre bending", and cites diverse influences ranging from glam metal to Arnold Schoenberg.
From its forced malapropisms to sudden, clumsy lurches into farce, the movie's humor feels like a painfully self-conscious exercise in genre bending.
Together, they would produce a genre bending style of music that is all their own, but can mostly fit into simply punk rock.
Maybe the most accessible Enter The Haggis album to date, it still maintains the genre bending songwriting their fans are used to by now.
He is slipping in and out of consciousness, into a realm of sadistic, genre bending nightmares that test his sanity and question his grip on reality.
It is often recognized as one of the first examples of genre bending.