Meanwhile, the genre flourished.
In his provocative book about the Gothic, Mr. Edmundson notes that the genre flourished in the years after the French Revolution.
The genre flourished throughout France until around 1660, and was in vogue in England from about 1645 to 1660.
This genre of magazine flourished in North America in the 1950s and early 1960s.
The genre particularly flourished in the Romantic period.
The genre flourished primarily in the 1920s and 1930s, and was especially popular in Germany.
The picaresque genre flourished in this era, describing the life of pícaros, living by their wits in a decadent society.
Back then, of course, rock 'n' roll had yet to be born, but the lowbrow genre to which "The Pick of Destiny" belongs was flourishing.
In England, William Shakespeare's Much Ado about Nothing might be considered the first comedy of manners, but the genre really flourished during the Restoration period.
Nonetheless, one cinematic genre is flourishing: martial-arts movies.