A worn oak counter and original mirrors recall a more genteel era.
Svetlanov's Mahler Fourth Mr. Svetlanov is recommended to those who find Mahler performance in the post-Bernstein era altogether too elegant and genteel.
Still, designers in Europe seemed to be paying tribute to the genteel era of the automobile, resurrecting the driving glove in countless variations.
The product of a more genteel era, Davis disdained the modern focus on publication.
Even in a more genteel era, corporate law firms were hardly eleemosynary institutions.
It is also one where an out-of-town visitor can browse through the wonderful book collection and get a taste of New York City in a more genteel era.
The Washington Square Music Festival can seem like a remnant of a more genteel era, holding tenaciously to a setting that has grown rougher with time.
Here at Greenwood Gardens, a visitor is truly removed to a more genteel era, where the only views are tree-covered mountains, and the only sounds are birds singing.
The school may hark back to a genteel era, but its ways are anything but gentle.
In some ways they did, and in other ways they ended a genteel, writer-oriented era in publishing in favor of a celebrity, media-driven realm.