The Patrician relaxed, in a way which only then drew gentle attention to the foregoing moment of tension.
It is not clear why they have chosen to go swimming together, how the laws of physics have brought them into alignment or whether they will avoid, for long, the gentle attention of Mack Sennett's Keystone Kops.
And when Ruth transferred her quiet and gentle attention to another community some distance away, she was herself immediately attacked.
Primly, almost absentmindedly, the Lady Ward Amanda Coultier nodded approval at their gentle attention.
Johanna had seen enough of human character to postulate that May's happiness was due to more than Quentin's kindness and gentle attention.
More therapeutic than just day care, it is staffed by professionals and small enough for lots of gentle attention.
But he won't survive Shard's gentle attentions.
There were no words to describe what his gentle attention was doing to her, to years of being too afraid to long and hope and pray.
Day and night she's on the toll-free hot line offering gentle attention and prudent advice.
Justin's gentle but diligent attention to his plants is a recurring background theme, from which image the film's title is derived.