Two silhouettes appeared in front of the gentle red glow, weapons already drawn down, and picked their way through the rubbish.
She was bathed in the gentle, golden glow of light.
The material gleamed faintly, lighting the interior with a gentle yellow glow.
The moonlight showed what was left of them, but even its gentle glow did not make them look pleasant.
Astfgl appeared to be lit by a gentle, inner glow.
A gentle glow in their wheelhouse - you couldn't even see what that was like - and no more.
They were silent together as the moon cast its gentle glow on them.
Sulla could see the flames light his hand with a gentle yellow glow yet still the fellow did not move!
He pulled up in front of the door, there was a light on in the hall, she could see his face in its gentle glow.
Its gentle glow has now been replaced by harsh electric glare.