A deceptively gentle radiance bathed the top of the docking station as the shuttle rose.
There was a gentle radiance in her face, but it did not hide the deeper well of sorrow in her eyes.
Presently he was aware of a gentle radiance that shed itself before him.
Then she waved her hand, and, save for the gentle radiance on her brow, became as she had been.
It glows with a sort of gentle radiance.
He smiled and his smile matched the gentle radiance surrounding him.
The whole place was filled with a soft radiance, equal to that of the sun at noon, but gentler and without heat.
It lit up instantly, filling the place with a gentle blue radiance.
Now, tuning in, Jolie began to see it: a gentle radiance that surrounded the woman.
The gold-dusted stamen cast a gentle radiance on her face.