Only the sky, and the distant hills, and the gentle sweep of the barren land.
The gentle sweep of fingers across his cheek stopped.
She lowered her head and, with a gentle sweep of her tongue, probed lightly until he parted his lips.
The upper belt feature line ran from the rear body, in a gentle sweep, to the front fender tip.
The early evening breezes made his task easier; the grass bent with each gentle sweep of wind, his view clearer for it.
She noticed an undertow, at first a gentle sweep that tugged at her lower legs, but its strength increased within seconds.
He rubbed her back with gentle sweeps of his hand to calm her down.
Now and then we wake to watch the gentle sweep of the Southern Cross through the sky.
With another gentle sweep of his arm, he dispelled the reflective liquid screen as if it were nothing more than smoke.
Tom surveyed his last touch with the eye of an artist, then he gave his brush another gentle sweep and surveyed the result, as before.