And with that, he proceeds, in the most gentlemanly fashion imaginable, to ask her out to dinner.
Watch as two duellists fight to the death (possibly) in the most gentlemanly fashion.
I consider it a bank's duty to make good returns for its investors, not to mark time in a gentlemanly fashion.' '
He never mentioned the past, showed any improper interest in Rita, or conducted himself in less than a gentlemanly fashion.
For all the mayhem, disputes are usually settled in a gentlemanly fashion.
He opened the door and gestured her in a gentlemanly fashion out into the hall.
I stood up, in slow gentlemanly fashion.
Their fists, more like, but all done in a gentlemanly fashion, of course, one Corinthian to another.
Now will you consent, to sit down with me and discuss this matter in gentlemanly fashion?
In gentlemanly fashion he introduced himself and stood chatting to Ms Davy for ten minutes.