Without genuine connection - that is, connection of the mind or spirit - sexual feeling quickly wears itself out.
But where a genuine connection exists, the different perspectives found in various passages bring a fuller understanding to the same event.
This is probably the longes relationship she's every been in, and the first with someone she feels a genuine connection with.
What begins in innocence, however, a genuine connection between wounded humans, ends with public shame and legal proceedings.
His characters long to make genuine emotional connections, but their attempts end badly.
A genuine connection is a mutual give-and-take of caring that flows between individuals.
The study was able to find ways on how to connect to other users by means of genuine connections.
Therefore, viewers might feel relieved when they see the possibility of a genuine connection.
Both trends began with a genuine connection to reality, then wildly exaggerated it.
Most of these dances seem to have a genuine connection to the region.